Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

Post-activism, as articulated by Bayo Akomolafe, is a conceptual shift away from conventional paradigms of activism that often emphasize direct confrontation and linear approaches to change. It invites a deeper, more contemplative engagement with the complex, interwoven fabrics of crises and challenges. Rather than striving for immediate solutions or seeking to overthrow perceived adversaries, post-activism encourages a sense of humility and curiosity, recognizing the limitations of human agency and the intricate dance between multiple forces. It proposes dwelling in spaces of uncertainty and embracing the wisdom that emerges from stillness, relationality, and a profound listening to the more-than-human world. Post-activism is a call to broaden our understanding and responses to systemic issues by reimagining our roles and actions within the vast, unpredictable tapestry of life.

See also: climate justice, racial justice, contemporary activism, political action

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Earth Talk: The Gods of the Discarded with Bayo Akomolafe 9,926


Bayo Akomolafe | Let Us Make Sanctuary 9,230

Pat McCabe & Bayo Akomolafe - Trickster, monster, other: new and ancient ways of seeing in the dark 5,644

Talking Sanctuary, Fugitive Spaces and Post-Activism | Dr Bayo Akomolafe 2,679

Dr. Bayo Akomolafe: Wrestling With Post-Activism & Planetary Health - Garrison Institute Fellowship 2,650

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