What is this?

A human being is a complex embodied expression at the intersection of multiple distinct logics, each converging in a magnificent bundle of perpetual potentiality. Affective, energetic, and relational capacities attend our being, as sentient, learning organisms alive in a context more diverse than our capacity to name. We are ecosystems, neurology, and animacy all wrapped into conscious experience and potent dynamism. This biological encasement gives rise to an agentic power that enables us to craft, shape, and endure otherwise impossible worlds, or to unilaterally collapse them. In this thin space between mortality and generativity, sweet vulnerability, we may create, do, and become beyond what was deemed possible.

See also: black bodies, white supremacy, intergenerational trauma, social change, racial justice

Bayo Akomolafe and Charles Eisenstein (Stage 2 - Falling Apart) 3,755

Where to Go: Bayo Akomolafe 3,588

Talking Sanctuary, Fugitive Spaces and Post-Activism | Dr Bayo Akomolafe 2,679

Dr. Bayo Akomolafe: Wrestling With Post-Activism & Planetary Health - Garrison Institute Fellowship 2,650

Bayo Akomolafe ~ Yoruba Tradition & Post-Activism for our times 2,474

What do you do when there is no hope? A talk with Bayo Akomolafe & Toni Spencer 2,255

Global Conference 2014 - Interview of Bayo Akomolafe 2,109

New Earth Conversations with Bayo Akomolafe 1,947

Death is Always Unprecedented – Humanism, Self, and Impermenance: Bayo Akomolafe 1,845