What is this?

Cosmovision is a term that refers to the deepest layers of a given worldview. It is a holistic framework for understanding the world— contextualizing knowledge, experience, and awareness. Cosmovision is rooted in understanding the larger forces of the cosmos, of which we as individuals and societies are part. It is an embodied challenge to the deeply-ingrained, techno-rational ways of participating in culture and knowledge, and opens paths for potent re-articulations between embodied experience, wisdom traditions, and the possibilities of posthuman futures.

See also: black bodies, intergenerational trauma, sacred activism, cultural appropriation, indigenous traditions

Talking Sanctuary, Fugitive Spaces and Post-Activism | Dr Bayo Akomolafe 2,679

Dr. BAYO AKOMOLAFE on Coming Alive to Other Senses /300 798

Dr Bayo Akomolafe - Question 4: The Spirituality of Cracks and the Gift of Failure at World Endings 43