What is this?

The Global South is a term used to define a collective of countries on the global landscape primarily characterized by their economic, social, and educational vulnerabilities due to an uneven distribution of global financial, political, and educational resources. This term is used to signify the majority-world countries who have been the recipients of neoliberal policies driven by the interests of wealthy countries and powerful transnational corporations from the so-called Global North. In this sense, the Global South is seen as systematically locked out of the systems of power that are largely accessible to the Global North, and as a result, members of the Global South have been repeatedly disadvantaged in the pursuit of economic prosperity and social justice.

See also: native people, social change, economic system, neoliberal capitalism, late-stage capitalism

TGPP Season 1 Epic-sode 3 - Part 2: Alnoor Ladha 28