Crypto investing:
a very short introduction

CeFi stands for Centralised Finance. Using these services means you're giving custody of your crypto to a company. If the company goes bust/gets shut down/your account gets blocked, you could lose your crypto. In that way it's similar to traditional banking.

DeFi stands for Decentralised Finance. These services are non-custodial i.e. through the magic of blockchain you retain custody of your crypto — no third party is looking after it. You don't have the risk of a company going bust/getting shut down, and no company/government can stop you from accessing your crypto. Just don't lose your private key!

Strategy CeFi option DeFi option (keep your private key safe!)
Just buy and hold BTC/ETH

Buy BTC/ETH from one of the platforms on the left, then send it to a wallet:

  • XDEFI (cross-chain wallet)
  • Ledger (hardware wallet, most secure)
  • Argent (recommended Ethereum mobile wallet)
  • MetaMask (most common Ethereum wallet)
  • Frame (slick new Ethereum wallet)
Buy an passive index

Metastrategy is my strategy on ICONOMI. It's an automated strategy with weekly rebalancing that is always an intelligent mix of the current top performing strategies, and is thus a great 'set-and-forget' option. This is my top recommendation for those new to crypto investing. See here for a step-by-step guide to investing in Metastrategy.

You could also invest in 3-5 of the current top performing strategies. If you choose this option I recommend you manually rebalance every 3-6 months (i.e. move your money out of any strategies that are now no longer in the top 5 and into the current top 5).

Buy an actively managed portfolio/fund/strategy (read about active vs passive investing)

These are all early stage and I haven't yet used them myself.

If you do choose to invest, consider dollar-cost averaging (investing equal sums of money at regular intervals) rather than going all-in.