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Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a Guide to the Secret Power of the Universe
by Dean Radin


"Real Magic" by Dean Radin challenges the traditional scientific worldview by exploring the existence of real magic through a lens of evidence-based science. Radin argues that magic, far from being a mere fantasy, is a real phenomenon with a long history rooted in esoteric traditions and supported by a significant body of scientific evidence.

The Three Types of Magic:

Radin defines magic into three categories:

  • Force of Will: Intentional mental influence on the physical world, often associated with spell-casting.
  • Divination: Perception of events distant in space or time, encompassing practices like Tarot reading and mirror-gazing.
  • Theurgy: Communication and interaction with non-physical entities, often referred to as spirits.

The Evidence for Magic:

Radin cites a vast amount of scientific evidence, including:

  • Six-Sigma Experiments: A collection of meticulously designed and replicated experiments that have shown statistically significant results for phenomena like telepathy, remote viewing, precognition, psychokinesis, and the influence of global consciousness on random events.
  • Sheep-Goat Effect: Studies demonstrating that individuals with a strong belief in psi tend to perform better in psi experiments than skeptics.
  • Intention Experiments: Research suggesting that focused intention can affect the physical world, possibly by influencing the probabilities of events or "warping" the fabric of spacetime.
  • Near-Death Experiences: Reports of consciousness and out-of-body experiences during cardiac arrest, which challenge traditional assumptions about the brain-mind relationship.
  • Mediumship: Double-blinded experiments showing that some mediums can gain accurate information about the deceased under controlled conditions.
  • Feeling of Being Stared At: Experiments suggesting a real phenomenon where individuals can sense when someone is looking at them from a distance, even with shielding.
  • Voodoo: Controlled studies suggesting that manipulating effigies can influence the physiological states of individuals, highlighting the power of the Law of Correspondences.

A New Worldview:

Radin argues for a new worldview based on the Perennial Philosophy:

  • Consciousness is Fundamental: Consciousness is primary to the physical world, which emerges from and is modulated by it.
  • Interconnectedness: All things are interconnected, transcending the usual boundaries of space and time.
  • One Consciousness: There is a single Universal Consciousness that underlies all existence, of which personal consciousness is a part.

Magic as a Science:

Radin proposes a future where magic becomes a legitimate scientific discipline, incorporating the evidence for psi and the insights from esoteric traditions. He envisions a time when we can understand and harness the power of consciousness to shape reality, transcend the limitations of space and time, and interact with non-physical entities.

The Implications:

Radin's exploration of real magic has profound implications for our understanding of ourselves and the universe. It suggests that we are far more powerful and interconnected than we typically believe, and that the potential of consciousness is vast and yet to be fully realized.