What is this?

"Governance" is a term used to describe the systems and processes by which organizations are managed. It is concerned with how decisions are made, who is responsible for making them, what policies and procedures need to be implemented, and how those decisions are implemented. At its core, it is concerned with a governance system or structure that will ensure that the organization's goals are met. It is also important to ensure that the system is fair and equitable to all stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, and other parties. It is therefore essential to ensure that governance is managed correctly, both in corporate and government settings.

See also: cultural evolution, consensus process, collective intelligence, global workspace theory, integrated information theory

EP76 Max Borders on the Social Singularity 184

EP51 Richard Bartlett on Self-Organizing Collaboration 179

EP63 Michel Bauwens on P2P & Commons 178

EP103 James Ehrlich on Regen Villages 174

EP27 Jamie Wheal on Flow & the Future of Culture 171

EP106 Michael Strevens on the Irrational History of Science 160

Currents 018: The Future Thinkers Smart Village 154

Currents 019: Alexander Beiner on Indigenous Narcissism 151

EP127 Jonathan Rowson on The Moves That Matter 145

EP135 Dennis Waters on Behavior & Culture in One Dimension 121